Since 2007 I contribute to OpenStreetMap specially during my the outdoor activities. I started in Genova and when I moved
to Trentino I continued to map here, helping the community to grow.
I organized and partecipated several events, meeting and conferences where I try to
help people to start to contribute or use OpenStreetMap. The most important events where I was involved are OSMit,
the Italian OpenStreetMap conference (specially during years 2010-2011-2012) and M(')appare Genova (2012)
Read more about my activities on the wiki page
During years I collected several information about OpenStreetMap, I created a simple tutorial (in Italian, sorry) to learn how to use and render OpenStreetMap data.
During years I contributed to several project testing, writing documentation, translating and developing.
For some software I did few contributions, but others I'm continuing to contribute year after year.
I'm a OSGeo Advocate and you can see
more about my contributions to the OSGeo and communities you can check my
OSGeo wiki page.
GRASS GIS is the older Free and Open Source Geographical, it contains
more than 500 modules to analyze, manage and render geodata, it
support 2D/3D raster and vector and it has a temporal framework to work
with time series.
GRASS GIS is the first Free and Open Source Geographical project I met and I never left.
I started using it at University, after few years I started to help with italian translation,
at the end I became a addons developer and finally a main contributor.
I really like GRASS community and I met a lot of friends there, enjoing Community Sprints
and other events
pyModis is a
Python library
to manage MODIS data, it can donwload, mosaic, convert and analyze
the data. It is really useful to download and convert automatically
MODIS data using a cronjob. pyModis it is used by other software like
r.modis GRASS GIS addons
or ...
I started to work on it because in Fondazione Edmund Mach, we use a lot MODIS
data and we needed something to donwload them, after that during a Google Summer of Code
I increased it's functionality, finally someone else started to use and contribute it.
OSGeo Live is an Operative System Linux based created to distribute the better
Free and Open Source Geographical software provided by OSGeo Community. It contains
more that 40 softwares and geodata to use with the software, for each software is provided by an overwiew page and a basic
OSGeo Live is the simple way to test the most powerful Free and Open Source GIS
softwares, it is used also for workshops and lessons.